Project 24

Project 24 provides an educational environment for K - 8th graders to combat summer learning loss. Students participate in six weeks (24 days) of whole group, small group and/or individualized tutoring in reading, writing, math and science. High school students have the opportunity to work as Grade Guides to cultivate their real life job skills.

Additionally, Project 24 promotes holistic development through daily recreational activities, art, character education, gardening, character education, and healthy snacks and meals.


In 2021

  • Our primary readers had an average of 27% increase in letter recognition, word reading fluency and passage reading fluency. 

  • Our secondary readers had an average of 21% increase in word reading fluency and passage reading fluency. 

  • For those that did not increase by much, that typically meant the student was already reading at or above their age appropriate reading level.

  • We reached our retention goal, as 80% of students successfully completed the program (our goal was 75%). These students participated in at least 80% of the program and maintained good behavior throughout. 

Get Involved

If you would like help us with our summer literacy program, please use this form to contact Kallie, our Volunteer Coordinator. She will contact you soon!